Awesome Acting
SAC has a simple motto: fail gloriously. The word failure has been demonized for too long. All actors need to fail if they want to become great. At SAC we welcome failure, in fact, we encourage it! Once you know how to fail fearlessly you can then begin to conquer the spectacular craft of acting.
Awesome Fun
What is following your dream if it’s not fun? Acting doesn’t need to be painful, stressful, intense or full of trauma. It’s meant to be enjoyable, challenging, supportive – and most of all invigorating. We want our actors to walk out of class buzzing, and if an actor nails the scene or it dies on the floor the question we ask is…”was it fun?” Like a child, if you are enjoying the game then you are ready to take direction, to offer new choices and colours and to deliver the most important aspect of acting – the ability to PLAY.
Sydney Actors Collective (SAC) cultivates excellence to fulfill your highest potential through challenging and innovative training in a creative communal space. Situated in Sydney’s vibrant Inner West, SAC offers screen classes, one on one training, self-tapes and masterclasses to performers of all skill levels. From beginners to intermediate and advanced working actors, we strive to meet the needs of every student who walks through our doors.